‘The Secrets of the Motherworld Podcast’

The Motherworld is a mysterious unknowable place; it can be the best of times, it can be the worst of times. It is a place you can't really know unless you've gone there. And yet, if you’re a mother, you will have likely encountered this paradox -- that no matter how many millions have been there before you or how many millions are there with you now, at one point or another, you are bound to feel totally alone.

*Secrets of the Motherworld* is a podcast created to help mothers feel less alone. We're two psychotherapists with a special interest in parenting. Listeners send us their anonymous stories about their own experiences in the Motherworld -- experiences that are too intensely private to share anywhere else. Each week, we read a listener's story and give our own reflections. It's a thoughtful exploration of the most intimate aspects of motherhood.